17 Photoshop victims who never understood why people laugh at them

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People have many bad habits, but modern reality has added new ones, among which is an insatiable passion for Photoshop. As a result, these people constantly find themselves in silly situations with their retouching.

Reflection – the magical power of truth!

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Even subscribers can’t recognize her in real photos

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Okay, biceps. But why does he need to enlarge his buttocks?

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Today we met an alien

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He’s so funny, really

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Instagram heartbreaker

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She’s like a liquid Terminator, her face goes through the grid

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Why do birds freeze in the same poses in different shots?

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What. Are. You?

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A plastic surgeon’s nightmare

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How did she eat so much with such a small head?

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Another example of improper fatness

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Serious spinal defect

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As they say, comments are unnecessary

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Looking straight into the soul

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On the right is the original photo, on the left – the girl “fixed” herself

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Such a horror

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And what are they hoping for? That the deception won’t be uncovered, or that we won’t laugh out of politeness?

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