How much time and with whom we spend at different ages?

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Have you ever wondered who we spend the most time with?

Time is the deepest and most important resource in anyone’s life.

The ability to manage time is a great gift that is not given to everyone. It can never be bought with money. A person worries about becoming successful, worries about fame, money, career, status, family, relationships, but never thinks about the importance of time. And in vain, because it is the only, irreplaceable resource. 

The other day there was a study by American scientists (The American Time Use Survey and The Curiosity Chronicle) about how much time we spend and with whom at different ages.

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Time with parents, sisters, brothers, and nephews decreases dramatically after age 20. So enjoy communicating with your relatives while they are around, call them right now, they are waiting for it.

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People spend the most time with friends at age 18, so make real friends as early as possible and hold on to those friendships as long as possible, because at an older age you just won’t have the time and energy to make new and strong acquaintances.

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Increases until you die. That is why choosing a spouse is the most important decision in life; you will be with this person for the rest of your life. Never deceive yourself or your partner if you are not ready to build a life with them.

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At its peak at 30, it goes downhill from there. So be with your children as long as possible, give them maximum attention and give them maximum love, do not deprive them of care.

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Stable is high throughout life, so when choosing a job, you should think about your surroundings. Be around people from whom you will be inspired and feel energized.

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Stable grows throughout your life. So get to know yourself, love yourself, learn to spend time with yourself in an interesting way. This is the one person you will be with from birth to the end of your life.

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