In 1989, Gilberto Shedden found a small crocodile that had been shоt in the head. There was little hope for the reptile’s survival, but Gilberto did not give up and decided to treat it himself. The treatment lasted six months, and during that time an unusual bond developed between the man and the crocodile.

Gradually the crocodile grew and became more and more like a real predator, but Gilberto did not want to part with his unusual pet.

He continued to care for it and spend time with it. But in time the man realized that he could not keep an adult crocodile in the house, so he took it to the river and let it go.

However, Pocho, that was the crocodile’s name, returned to his friend’s house on the second day. He seemed to feel a strong attachment to the man who had saved his life.
Pocho began to come to Gilberto’s house at night, and it became clear that he needed not only food, but also love and attention.

Now Pocho has become Gilberto’s faithful companion. He spends the day in the river, and in the evening he returns to his friend’s house to spend the night. Their friendship has become unusual, but strong and reliable.
And, although Gilberto’s family fell apart because of his unusual pet, he has not regretted it and continues to love and care for his crocodile friend.