Our veterinary clinic had a dog, Weiss, who was a German Shepherd. He was dazzlingly handsome and intelligent, well mannered, a wonderful protector, insanely affectionate, good-natured and gentle dog. The owner unconditionally fulfilled his obligations and strictly monitored his health, so they visited the clinic quite often. A paw hurt, a sniffling nose, teeth cleaned, shots injected, or they would just stop by for a visit. We always gave Weiss some goodies.

He had an interesting peculiarity that distinguished him from other dogs: during vaccinations or procedures that he did not like – he would clench the doctor’s sleeve with his teeth and show patience. A few years later, when Weiss was fourteen, he was diagnosed with cancer. For two years, all the doctors at the clinic and Weiss’s owner tried to cure him nonstop, and still, with frequent injections, he clenched his sleeves, and other parts of his clothes, with his teeth, and patiently squinted his eyes, waiting for the unpleasant procedure to end. But the cancer was stronger, and in the end defeated the strong Vasya.
At 6 a.m. the owner called:
– Weiss had gone limp, howling, eyes popping out…
Our co-worker went to Weiss, put him on an IV, injected him with painkillers and drew blood.
The nurse came back crying and frightened. From the results of the tests we received two hours later, it was clear that Weiss’s life was going to end any minute now.
Twelve hours later, the owner called again, after a long and difficult conversation:
– I can’t stand to see him sick and in pain. We come to the clinic…
My colleague and I sit waiting and gasp in tears. The owner and his wife arrive, Vasya was in his owner’s arms, I am torn up inside at the sight of the once handsome, massive big guy who is completely emaciated and powerless. The owners tearfully asked me not to watch their family member go. After anesthesia is administered, Weiss drifts off to sleep, the howling stops, the convulsions too. One last heavy sigh…
– The end…
We stand over Weiss’s lifeless body and weep. We inform the owner, he falls into tears. A brutal man who had been by Weiss’ side since birth, they had become best friends in fifteen years, he had spent over two years battling his friend’s illness, and now he sits outside the clinic crying out in the pain of loss. The owner was angry at himself for not having the strength to be there for his friend in his last, difficult moments. He took Weiss and left.
A month later, a girl and a guy came over with a little German Shepherd puppy to vaccinate him. He was very scared. I went over to pet and soothe the little guy while my partner did the vaccination, and the boy clenched his teeth on my shirt and squeezed his eyes shut, patiently waiting for the shot. I burst into tears.