We live in a time when more and more animal species are disappearing every year, a tragedy of global proportions. Man is largely to blame. Its activities have led to the extinction of the Javanese tiger, the western black rhinoceros, the Pyrenean ibex, and many other animals.

Back in the middle of the twentieth century, the red wolf native to North America was listed in the Red Book. With the development of farming, the number of this wolf species began to steadily decrease. Eventually, it got to the point where red wolves remained only in zoos.

There was almost no chance of saving this animal. For almost forty years, these wolves were considered extinct in the wild. Even in captivity, only females remained. There was simply no place to wait for offspring.

But in 2017, a miracle happened. Zoologists in North Carolina managed to find and capture a male red wolf. It turned out to be purebred, that is, there were no admixtures of other wolf species in it.

So scientists took his biological material and were able to fertilize two females. A few months later, scientists were holding a truly living treasure in their arms. As many as ten puppies were born. Symbolically, the babies were born on May 13, Mother’s Day.

The zoologists were overjoyed. They had managed to do something unbelievable: they had managed to save an entire species of wolf from extinction.

The red wolves were given a second chance. Now these ten wolf cubs face the important task of reviving their species.